Privacy Policy

Last Updated: October 18th, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines the practices of Notimation ("Company", "we", or "us") concerning the collection, use, and protection of personal information within the Notiwork application ("Notiwork"). By utilizing Notiwork, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

  • 1. Information Collected
    • 1.1 Notiwork gathers the following personal information during the onboarding process:
      • Name
      • Document number
      • Gender
      • Avatar file
      • Birthday date
      • Phone
      • Email
      • Professional background description
      • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
      • Bank information
      • Scopes for accessing Gmail account functionalities, such as Drive or Calendar.
  • 2. Purpose of Data Collection
    • 2.1 The data collected serves the purpose of personalizing the Notiwork bot to provide users with a tailored experience.
    • 2.2 Information may be shared with the company administrator to facilitate efficient employee data management.
  • 3. Third-Party Collaborations
    • 3.1 Notiwork integrates with LivePerson APIs through a formal partnership agreement. This collaboration ensures the seamless incorporation of LivePerson technologies, enhancing the overall functionality of the Notiwork application.
  • 4. Permissions and Data Sharing
    • 4.1 During onboarding, Notiwork will request permissions to access Gmail account functionalities, including Drive. Users are required to grant these permissions manually.
    • 4.2 Notiwork may share specific information, such as employee names, with LivePerson to optimize service functionalities.
  • 5. Data Retention and Deletion
    • 5.1 Upon the conclusion of an employee's association with the Notiwork client, their data will be promptly deleted.
  • 6. Security Measures
    • 6.1 Notiwork employs robust encryption methods to safeguard and secure user data.
  • 7. Changes to Privacy Policy
    • 7.1 We reserve the right to update and modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Users will be notified of changes through the Notiwork website or other appropriate means.
  • 8. Governing Law
    • 8.1 This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Argentina.